Sherman County fire started under suspicious circumstances, and it’s not the only one

HASTINGS, Neb. (KSNB) - Fire danger levels were critical on Thursday, leading to multiple fires in central Nebraska, but one stands out to the Sherman County Sheriff.
According to Sheriff Joel Bergman, they are unable to figure out a cause for Thursday’s grass fire that broke out near Highway 58 and 797 Road in Sherman County, but this isn’t the only fire in the community they haven’t found a cause for.
“I believe we’re probably in the area of eight to 10 fires,” Sheriff Bergman said.
According to the sheriff, each of these fires started on a day where there was high fire danger, but they have no reason to have existed.
Sheriff Bergman even said they’ve had problems determining where the fires have started.
“Due to the fact that we’ve had multiple suspicious fires within the area,” Sheriff Bergman said. “This particular grassfire yesterday did not have a definite ignition source that we could identify, and therefore we deem it suspicious and possibly intentional in nature.”
Thursday’s fire burned over 600 acres, and Sheriff Bergman is not just worried about property loss. He is also worried about people getting hurt in these fires.
“Yesterday’s fire involved two residents that were in the line of this fire,” Sheriff Bergman said. “Which caused not only the probability or possibility for personal injury it could also result in severe property damage that we’ve been having to deal with up to this point.”
The sheriff said that the public is not in immediate danger, but needs to watch their surroundings, especially when there is high fire danger.
If you have tips, the sheriff asks that you contact them via their Facebook page or call them at (308) 745-1511.