Hicks: Nebraskans must act to claim, use and defend rights
NEBRASKA CITY - Jennifer Hicks, a home-school mom from Peru, is running for the Republican nomination for attorney general vowing to protect constitutional rights.
Hicks: “I believe we have problems with our Constitution not being followed. I think we have elected officials who swear an oath to the United States Constitution and to the Nebraska state constitution and they are not upholding that oath.”

Hicks became involved in public affairs as she examined mask mandates, public health directives and the 2020 election, speaking at nearby Auburn's city council when it was examining a mask recommendation.
Hicks: “Your right to vote doesn’t end when you mark your ballot. Your vote continues all the way through the process to the point where your vote is counted.”
She is calling on fellow Republican Secretary of State Bob Evnen to cancel a contract for computerized election services and calling on the attorney general’s office to review the constitutionality of language that bars the state from disclosing information about potential vote-depriving machine performance.
Hicks: “If we lose our vote, we lose our voice in government and we’re not free people without that.”
She said neither current Republican Attorney General Doug Peterson nor leading Republican candidate Mike Hilgers has served the public as they should have in terms of medical freedoms and election integrity.
Hicks: “I speak to people who are on both sides of the aisle and they are not happy. So I don’t think anybody who is paying attention is going to just necessarily go and check a box with an R or D next to it. They are feeling the consequences of bad government.”
Hicks started the website Voices of Nebraska, where she said she encourages an end to political lethargy. She said she feels thrust into politics by what she calls the erosion of conservative values and the realization that young Americans may have fewer freedoms than their predecessors.
Hicks: “I don’t see it getting any better for them, if we don’t fight and claim and use and defend our rights. This is about protecting my kids’ future. That’s how success is defined for me.”
Hicks said the voters will decide if she is qualified for the attorney general post.
Hicks: “I think the thing that qualifies me more than others in government right now is that I’m going to defend the rights of the people. That is the only job of government, to defend the rights of the people, and I don’t think that’s happening. It will be up to the voters to decide if I’m qualified. I do believe I could do the job.”