SYRACUSE - The Syracuse City Council voted to pursue a purchase of property at 876 Eighth St. following a closed session March 12.

The property will be tested for mold and asbestos, estimates on demolishing will be gathered to establish that the cost of cleanup would not be more than the property is worth, before final purchase is made.

There are no liens on the property and all back taxes are paid.

Fire and rescue reports

Tim Wilson of the Syracuse Volunteer Rescue Squad gave his report. 

The Squad consists of 16 members. Officers elected for 2025 are Tim Wilson, Hilary Wiebusch, Jen Wallman, and Marsha Scheinost.

Wilson stated the rescue squad is actively looking for new recruits. The squad is having trouble covering the daytime shifts due to members working. The squad is also having to pass on transfers due to staffing. That is when we see most of our calls, Wilson said.

In 2024 the squad responded to 49 calls in January alone, they are averaging 33 calls a month so far in 2025.

Ken and Dottie Halvorsen of rural Syracuse were honored at the Syracuse Rescue Squad Christmas party for 40 years of service to the squad. 

 The rural fire board has agreed to cover half of the cost of the extraction equipment that is used to clean the firefighters’ gear. 

As EMS week is coming up in May, Wilson asked for permission to use Williams Park for the annual Celebration in the Park. They are hoping to expand their attendance and age groups, by adding events for all ages.  Wilson said the details are still in the works. 

Chief Keith McWilliams updated Mayor Deb Dettmer and council members regarding an addition to the fire department. Ryan Tonkins has lived in Syracuse 11 years and works at Easter and Assoc. He will be going through fire school. 


A Syracuse library report states there were 50 participants in the Charlotte Endorf presentation of the Orphan Train in Nebraska. A few more kids are attending the after-school book club.  Summer reading and art programs at the library will be held from July 22-24. Summer reading will begin May 26th and end July 31.  Amanda Ensore has been hired to help at the library. 

The annual Easter egg hunt at Williams Park is scheduled for April 19. The area is separated into multiple age groups.

Kelly McIntosh was given approval to sell off a parcel located at 80th and Park Street.  McIntosh will retain ownership of the storage units.

Sonni Graves of the parks department received approval to replace the three doors located at the shelter located in Williams Park at an estimate of $1,461 per door. The restrooms located at the shelter are open 365 days a year.