Parade welcomes Eric Fass home for the holidays
SYRACUSE – Nineteen weeks after an accident at the Otoe County Fair hospitalized a 4-H father and Syracuse fire chief, Eric Fass was welcomed home with a parade of friends, family and first responders.
Fass waved and gave the thumbs up as dozens of cars passed his family in the driveway of their farm on Saturday.
Family friend Christa Reisdorff said she was not surprised at the turnout.
Reisdorff: “It doesn’t take much for everyone to come out and support the community and now that I’m talking here there’s people coming by again and waving. We just want to show how much he’s loved and supported and missed here.”
Fass suffered a brain injury while trying to control a spooked calf at the fair. He was thrown to the ground and hit his head on a rock. His recovery included days of life support, surgeries to correct breathing problems and a struggle to regain body functions.
Fass and his wife Amanda have three boys.
Reisdorff: “Amanda just really wanted to make sure to tell everybody how thankful they are for everyone’s support to show them that they are happy they’re home for the holidays.”
Fass still has a lot of rehabilitation ahead of him, but has already accomplished standing on his own.
Reisdorff: “He’s obviously strong enough to get himself where he is and he is just going to keep on pushing through.”
Reisdorff met Amanda in 2016 when her husband needed a kidney transplant. Amanda, a complete stranger at that time, slipped her note saying she would donate.