Gov. Jim Pillen is getting some immediate push back for what he calls “historic” tax relief.

Pillen’s plan, a controversial flat tax, is being criticized as a tax cut that would largely benefit the rich.

It would be phased in over the next four years, and according to those backing the move it would provide millions in tax relief.

State Sen. Lou Ann Linehan (R): Cut both individual and corporate income tax rates to 3.99 percent by 2027. When fully phased in it will be another $720,548,000 in new tax relief.

Richard Auxier (Anti-Flat Tax, Courtesy Open Sky Policy Institute): The reason you transition or promote a flat tax rate is to lower taxes on households and specifically to lower taxes on high income households, because I’ve never heard someone propose a 15 percent flat tax rate. All the flat tax rates are always low.

Pillen says his flat tax plan will make Nebraska the 15th lowest taxing state.

Opponents fear the cuts would put any number of essential state services at risk.