Time left to make a Nebraskan the captain

PERU, Neb. – While you may be fatigued from the recent elections and all the ads, there is one more election where you have an opportunity to vote for someone who has done some remarkable things in the past five years!
The Allstate American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) Good Works Team® recognizes football athletes for their unwavering commitment to community service and their “good works” off the field.

Garrison Dodge, a senior Peru State College Bobcat football player from Oakland, Neb., is among the 22 individuals selected for the prestigious 2022 Team. “The Allstate AFCA Good Works Team® is arguably college football’s highest honor because it recognizes a player’s integrity and service off the field rather than the performance on it,” stated Executive Vice President and General Manager, Allstate Sales and Distribution, Troy Hawkes.
Between now and November 22, anyone can vote on any device daily to select a captain from the 22 nominees at https://promo.espn.com/espn/contests/allstate/2022/index. Dodge is the only Nebraskan on the list and is from the smallest school represented which also includes players from the University of Pittsburgh, Notre Dame, and Texas Tech.
A NICU baby himself, Dodge started a charity fundraiser named “Athletes 4 Children” where student-athletes can pledge – then play – then pay. His fundraiser has already garnered more than $18,000 for the Children’s Hospital in Omaha.
In addition, Dodge has been highly active on the Peru State campus with other community service activities such as organizing a personal hygiene product drive for Sexual Assault Awareness Month which helps Project Response – a non-profit crisis center that provides free support and advocacy to survivors of domestic and sexual violence in southeast Nebraska.

As the old saying goes, “Every vote counts” so get online every day and vote for Dodge to become the captain of the team which will be recognized at the 2023 Sugar Bowl in New Orleans.
Vote. Daily. For. Garrison.