NEBRASKA CITY -  Nebraska City commissioners approved tax increment financing for construction of a $1.9 million eye clinic at 11th Street and 11th Corso.


Lifetime Vision Center is planning  to construct the eye clinic in 2022. The project includes demolishing two houses on the east side of 11th Street.

The city says the construction will increase the taxable value of the property and Lifetime Vision Center will apply $47,000 it normally would pay for taxes over 15 years to construction costs.

Dr. Russell Crotty said he sees a tremendous opportunity for growth in Nebraska City.


Crotty: “We think this town of this size deserves this type of clinic that we want to bring in. We pride ourselves in having a very technologically-advanced practice in Auburn and we have seen that draw from a surprising area. People come in, patients come in from other areas, so we think Nebraska City has tons of potential.”

Optometrist Kyle Peter earned his doctorate at the Oklahoma College of Optometry and said he wants to bring Oklahoma's broad scope of services for ocular care to Nebraska City. He expects the clinic to be a regional alternative to driving to Omaha or Lincoln.

Dan Mauk of the Nebraska City Area EDC called the project an important investment in the business corridor.

The intersection received state funding for alignment after it was listed among Nebraska’s most dangerous. The intersection is problematic because of the 11th Street viaduct on the north and a vision-blocking hill and steep slope on the south.

With the new Dollar Fresh store on the west side, a permanent stop light is planned.

The preliminary plat for the project does not include the streetside oak tree. Entrances from 11th Street and 11th Corso and a parking lot are planned in the bumpout area.