Power Pool downgrades energy alert

Update: SPP downgraded to an energyh emergency alert Level 1 at 10:59 p.m. on Wednesday.
NEBRASKA CITY - NPPD, which has electric customers in 87 of Nebraska’s 93 counties, reported at 6:20 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 17, the Southwest Power Pool has declared an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2.
The power pool had downgraded to level 1 on Wednesday afternoon, but escalated to level 2, where it had been Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.
In a level 3 emergency, the power pool asks suppliers for temporary rolling blackouts.
The power pool continues to urge all homes and businesses throughout its 14-state region to conserve electricity, but are not directing any interruptions of service at this time. The public should follow their service providers’ directions regarding local outages, tips for conservation and safety.
OPPD has reported that over 80,000 customers were without power for one to two hours at some point since Monday morning.
OPPD reported at 4 p.m. that the power pool was not asking for load shedding, but was expecting possible changes going into Thursday.