NEBRASKA CITY - Don Davis, 67, of Nebraska City entered no contest pleas Monday to attempted sexual assault and misdemeanor domestic assault in January of 2023.

An Otoe County Sheriff’s Office affidavit says a report of unwanted touching stemmed from a marital relationship.

Sentencing on the misdemeanor convictions is scheduled April 10.

In other court action, a district judge revoked a bond for Crystal Buchanan, 44, of Lincoln.

Buchanan entered not guilty pleas to misdemeanors, but failed to appear June 3, Sept. 9, Nov. 18 and Feb. 3. She entered a plea to attempted possession of a controlled substance and was scheduled for sentencing on Monday.

Robert Chatterton, 34, of Syracuse entered written not guilty pleas to nine felony counts alleging visual depiction of sexual content and possession of child pornography in January of 2025.

An Otoe County Sheriff’s Office affidavit says images were obtained in an online chat room.

A pre-trial hearing is scheduled Feb. 24.