FALLS CITY – Richardson County commissioners questioned Emergency Management Agency Director Brian Kirkendall Wednesday about job expectations and why outdoor warning sirens were not sounded for the Oct. 30 storm.

Draft minutes of the meeting say Kirkendall told commissioners that the National Weather Service did not detect the storm on radar. He said he will be reviewing the outdoor warning siren policy with the board.

A county disaster declaration said damage was caused by straightline winds and the National Weather Service equipment recorded a wind gust of 90 mph.


Some residents questioned the assessment saying a roof was torn of a manufacturing plant, there was a train derailment and widespread power outages.

Sheriff Rick Hardesty earlier told commissioners there was a 50-foot path of damage,  an RV was turned sidewise, a side-by-side was moved from the front to the back of a house and another home owner experienced having the family dog sucked out the front door.

A sheriff’s deputy said the dog was able to get turned around and back into the house safely.

 It took days to get electrical service restored to portions of the city.

Kirkendall also address the commissioners’ question about attending mutual aid meetings. Kirkendall said he attends meeting with fire departments when invited and provided updates on the Page My Cell notification platform.

