Nebraska City approves glass recycling

Photos in agenda packet
NEBRASKA CITY – City commissioners approved a one-year glass recycling program, a separate leadership class project and a downtown bench at their meeting Monday.
Keep Nebraska City Beautiful is pursuing a grant to support six bins in a pilot program for glass recycling. City Administrator Perry Mader said Sally DuBois of Keep Nebraska City Beautiful spoke with Police Chief Ben Murry regarding locating the bins at the parking lot near Sixth Street and Central Avenue. The bins will be enclosed in a cage so they can be locked when full. An organization from Papillion would pick up the glass, in a program similar to one in Plattsmouth.

Nebraska City Leadership Class No. 20 proposes a new “pathway rules” sign on Fourth Corso.
Mader, a member of the class, said they will present the idea to the leadership board in early February.
The new sign will have the same verbiage as the existing sign.
A bench was also approved for the Wagon Wheel near 612 Central Ave.

Parks Director Nick Schmitz proposes applying for a Nemaha Natural Resources District matching grant to replace a retaining wall on hole four of the Wildwood Golf Course with a new sea wall.
Schmitz said the retaining wall stabilizes the shoreline and a sea wall would impact the longevity of the entire area of the golf course. The city received an NRD urban special project for a sea wall at Steinhart Park in 2017.