VALENTINE, Neb. - Think of five children you know. In Nebraska, one in five kids faces hunger. In fact, Nebraska’s food insecurity rate is more than 12%, which is higher than the national average.

“We know there are families that are struggling. The economy has been tough,” said Ron Dubry of Valentine.

That’s why Dubry, along with other volunteers from Valentine’s Berean Church, helped install a unique new emergency food pantry just north of the church.

“A lot of people need to start being more caring towards each other when it comes to certain issues like this. A lot of people can become very embarrassed at the thought of not being able to provide for their children or family. Without the idea of being judged, this is a way for people to help people indirectly,” said American Heart Association HeartCorps volunteer TyLinn Dodd.

You can anonymously donate or pick up food anytime. Just be mindful of the weather conditions.

“With this winter season, everything gets below freezing, so no glass bottles, no majority liquids. If you have canned goods, please reach out to the church, so then can store them inside if it’s below freezing. Dried goods are a good idea,” said Dodd.

Currently, four of these pantries are set up across north-central Nebraska, with plans to add three more. Here’s an interesting detail: the pantries were built by students from O’Neill High School.

“I’m so proud of what they did. They might not feel like they did anything super special, but they don’t realize how many people they’re going to be helping with this class project,” said Dodd.

The project is truly a community effort. Dodd volunteers her time through HeartCorps, the North Central District Health Department provided the pantry, and church members helped install it.

“I hope it sets an example that we can do things without being extravagant. Something just as simple as putting a box in between two trees could possibly be the difference between a kid or person eating that night,” said Valentine Berean Church volunteer Stephen Williams.

“So children don’t go hungry at night, so an elderly person has a full stomach when they go to bed, and they know Jesus loves them,” said Dubry.

A simple wooden box, spreading love and hope throughout the community this holiday season.