SYRACUSE – The Syracuse City Council agreed to a 3.6 percent increase in electricity in 2025 after a year delay.

An electrical increase was suggested in 2023, but was not implemented. JEO Dave Peterson informed the mayor and city council members that an increase needs to happen this year in order to stay ahead of climbing electrical rates.

 The council also considered its one and six-year street plan at the Oct. 9 meeting.

The brick on Fifth Street was discussed. The city is researching to understand what is beneath the brick structurally and in terms of plumbing and other infrastructure.


The street plan also includes the Seventh Street bridge.
The city has received $293,333 in highway allocation funds and $3,000 incentive payment to hire a Class  A superintendent, along with the Local Option Vehicle Sales Tax income of $57,083 to help pay for streets.

The council approved a conditional use permit for Otoe County to construct a 200-foot communications tower north of Syracuse off Highway 50. This tower will be used by first responders to be linked together. The Otoe County commissioners reported they have the funds for the tower and all new radio equipment for all first responders.


Caleb Neuhalfen and Kaci Groene of 1820 BIrch street were granted a conditional use permit to place a utility shed on their property. 

The 14th change order was granted to VanKirk Bros. for additional work on the water line accommodating the new well. The change order was an increase of $32,688.

Wendy Werner representing the Germanfest committee handed out fliers and expressed the need for volunteers and participants for Germanfest. October 18, 19, and 20th.  This year's Germanfest will be located on 5th street and it is a cash only event.


Jenny Janssen of SDA school was granted a 5th street closure for the annual Halloween parade on October 31st

City staff working with Keith McWilliams of our Volunteer fire dept. and Tim Wilson from our Rescue squad is putting together a fright night to take place  in Williams Park on October  27th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Supplies and  volunteers are needed.