NEBRASKA CITY – City commissioners approved a $124,000 engineering contract with JEO for two blocks of paving in the Kearney Hill area.

Construction and Facilities Manager Marty Stovall said the city has repurposed Economic Development Revolving Loan funds of $409,000 and state highway allocation funds of $305,000 for the $714,000 paving project to pave Fifth Rue from Fifth Terrace to the currently paved Oakview Drive. It includes storm sewers and sidewalks.

Stovall said city staff submitted a grant for the project last year but the application of unsuccessful.

In other action, city commissioners approved a design contract with JEO for the west side entrance of the Morton-James Public Library.

The city also approved grant applications for $260,000 for four cardiac monitors and $300,000 for a new remounted ambulance.

The city adjusted the wages for Paramedic Manager Joe Grubbs and step 8 paramedic Andrew Snodgrass.