FALLS CITY – Richardson County Board Chairman John Caverzagie says a new labor contract is now in road workers’ hands.

The county board held a special meeting  Tuesday without an agreement with roads workers union Local 61.

Federal mediator Ron Morrison attended, along with union stewards and special legal counsel for the county Jerry Pigsley and Sarah Carstensen.

Meeting minutes say the county board submitted its first final proposal to the roads department on Feb. 14 and Local 61 submitted its final proposal on Feb. 21.

County commissioners met in closed session with Pigsley, Carstensen and Morrison for 52 minutes. An agreement was not announced when they returned to regular session.

Caverzagie said Thursday workers had sought wage increases dating back to July of 2023, but commissioners only agreed to back pay to match the date when its proposal for higher wages was submitted on Feb. 14. He said the  union is expected to vote yes or no on the final proposal.

At the board’s Wednesday meeting, EMA Director Brian Kirkendall suggested placing the Barada tower site on the surplus property list. He said the tower has not been used the last 18 months and the Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network is not planning on using the site as was previously proposed.