AUBURN – Auburn’s sales tax collections have been below budget in four of the first eight months of the fiscal year, including the last three months straight.

Auburn budgeted $50,000 per month, which is below actual collections in 10 months of last year.

This year, collections were below budget in October, January, February and March.

Collections of $39,000 in February were the lowest since February of 2021.

In the first eight months of the fiscal year, Auburn’s sales tax collections are $41,000 less than a  year ago and $6,394 under budget.

Auburn had strong collections in December. The $57,195 collected is the highest since the pandemic. December collections hit a high point one year after the first case of Covid-19 was reported to the World Health Organization.

Chamber Director Leslie Clark said the chamber sponsored the Keep the Cheer Here campaign.

From Nov. 16 to Dec. 20 shoppers spent at least $235,555 at hometown shops, stores and restaurants. People filled out proof of purchase slips to win Chamber Bucks.

Clark said specific holiday campaigns are meant to encourage local shops, stores and restaurants all year long.

Clark: "Loving local and supporting and shopping local is something we promote every  day."