Did Snack Shack get it right? Here's the real early '90s
1990 – Adam Rehmeier was busy with summer tennis and earned his Eagle Scout along with Derek and Darin Thomson.

1990 - Rehmeier scored eight points against Norris in eighth grade basketball. He scored four points in the JV game against Norris in 1993. He was a leading rebounder on the Pioneer freshmen team in 1992.
1991 – Rehmeier’s 27-yard fumble return for a touchdown helped the Nebraska City freshman football team defeat Syracuse and extend its win streak to 10 games.

In 1991 --Adam was fourth in the high jump, while his sister won three gold medals at the Plattsmouth triangular.
1991 -- Adam Rehmeier was on the eighth grade honor roll.

1991 -- Adam’s name was listed along with 200 others in an ad supporting a school bond issue.
1991-- newly remodeled pool bath house.

1992 -- Adam’s younger sister Emily won several medals at the Cornhusker State Games, including winning marks for long jump and the 200 meter dash.
1992 - Mother Candace Rehmeier was an auctioneer and physical education teacher at the Nebraska School for the Visually Handicapped. Father Randall was a district judge.

1992 -- Pool manager Candy Peterson reported the pool usually has 300 to 400 swimmers per day, but numbers were down to 250 due to cooler temperatures. Dairy Queen also reported fewer sales.

Will the band get back together?
1993 -- The Otoean reported on Hot Brown Water, which was described as the hottest new band at Nebraska City High School. Band members included Adam Rehmeier, Nick Barton, Scott Kirk and Nolan Shigley. Rehmeier, they say, was the only one in the group who owned a guitar. The band promoted two songs, Mecca Lecca High and TeTonka Buffalo Run.
1993 -- speeding fine was $124.

1993 -- the Park Board approved a new filtering system for the pool.
1995 – Adam Rehmeier was a foreign exchange student living in Offenburg, Germany with a host family he called the Brady Bunch because of two bothers, two sisters, a dog and parents. He spoke about his experiences with the Avoca Lion’s Club .