Richardson County updated candidate list

FALLS CITY - The elections office in Richardson County has released updated filings on noon on Friday, including filings since the deadline for incumbents to file on Feb. 15. The deadline for non-incumbents to file is March 1.
The filings include a contested seat on the county board between incumbent Rick Karas of Dawson and Ron Ramer of Shubert.
There is a contested race for Falls City City Council Ward 3, where Sara Ruiz and Les Baker have filed.
There are no candidate filings for Falls City Airport Authority or ESU 4.
Here is the press release
Preparation is underway at the Office of the Richardson County Clerk for the Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Primary Election. Approaching deadlines for candidates and voters to remember are detailed below.
THURSDAY, 5:00 p.m., March 1, 2024, is the non-incumbent filing deadline.
A complete list of candidate filings on record at the Richardson County Clerk’s Office who will be considered for nomination at the Primary Election are listed below with the incumbents denoted with an *.
County Commissioner District 2 seat is up for a 4-year term—Bob Campbell, Republican, Rulo. District 2 serves the following precincts: Falls City Ward 1, that portion of Falls City Ward 2 lying north of 21st Street, Arago/Barada, Jefferson/Rulo and Falls City Rural/Ohio.
County Commissioner District 3 seat is up for a 4-year term—Rick Karas*, Republican of Dawson and Ron E. Ramer, Republican of Shubert. District 3 serves the following precincts: Humboldt Ward 1 and Humboldt Ward 2, Franklin/Humboldt Rural/Speiser, East Muddy, West Muddy/Porter, Grant/Nemaha, Liberty and Salem.
School Districts 56 and 70 all have 3 positions up for election this year with up to 6 candidates being considered for nomination at the May 14 Primary Election to be voted upon at the November General Election. Persons who have filed for these positions are:
School District 56 4-year term—June M. Bowers*;
School District 70 4-year term—Kyle Hilgenfeld*, Mike Kanel*, Leah M. Reyes* and Quentin Bowen.
The City of Falls City and the City of Humboldt have Council Member seats up
for election to a 4-year term. Those persons filing for these positions are as follows:
City of Falls City, Ward I—Brent Shubert; Ward II—Joyce M. Jones, Ward III— Sara Ruiz; Les Baker; Ward IV—James Wisdom*;
City of Humboldt, Ward I—Dale A. Oehm*; Ward II—Kendra Douglas*.
The Airport Authority in the City of Falls City has 1 member up for election for a 6-year term. No candidates have filed for this position.
Unlike years past, there will no longer be candidates on the ballot for delegates to the Republican Party County Convention. The law now states (NE Revised State
Statutes 32-706) that anyone who wishes to attend the Republican Party County Convention as a delegate must register with the County Clerk by March 1, 2024. Those registering thus far are: Vincent C. Metzner, Pamela S. Scott, Gayle A. Swisegood, Philip E. Bletscher and Richard (Dick) James.
Any questions or further information on the Republican Party County Convention should be directed to the Nebraska State Republican Party headquarters at 402-475-2122 or via their website at .
Other offices to be nominated at the Primary Election are: President of the United States, United States Senator Class I member, United States Senator Class II member, Representative in Congress-Dist. 3, Nebraska Legislature District 1, Public Service Commissioner District 1, Board of Regents University of Nebraska District 5, Board of Governors Southeast Community College District 2 and At-Large, Nemaha Natural Resource Districts 8, 9, District 10 4-year term and 2-year term. Filing forms for these offices can be obtained at the Office of the County Clerk, but the candidate filing must be made with the Secretary of State.
Local candidates who have filed for the Nemaha Natural Resources District Board are: District 8—4-year term: Mike Speece*; District 9—4-year term: Kraig Coonce; District 10—4-year term: Eldon Snoke*; 2-year Term: Tim Schaardt*.
Service Unit #4 is July 15 for incumbents and August 1 for non-incumbents.
Filings received thus far: Village of Barada: Branson Darveau*, Randy Handley*, Scott Handley*; Village of Dawson: no filings; Village of Rulo: no filings; Village of Salem: no filings; Village of Shubert: no filings; Village of Stella: Jim Donahoe*; Village of Verdon: no filings. ESU#4: no filings