NEBRASKA CITY – James Dunn, 29, of Nebraska City was sentenced to 220 days in jail for attempted armed robbery on May 1.

Judge Julie Smith told Dunn she would be handing down a prison sentence had Dunn not gone through treatment and maintained sobriety for a year.

Smith: “This was essentially an attempted armed robbery and it was premeditated. You wore all black with a green bandana over your face and you were carrying a gun. … You victimized someone in a terrorizing way.”


Police and neighbors were on the lookout for suspicious activity after Mike Ragland reported a home invasion incident and Clayton Rakes said he dialed 911, but did not push call, before he encountered Dunn at  his residence. The move allowed Rakes to call police at gunpoint without Dunn realizing it. Rakes ducked behind a pickup truck and police apprehended Dunn after a foot pursuit.

Dunn was also sentenced to 18 months post-release supervision. On a possession of burglar tools charge, Dunn was sentenced to 24 months probation. Judge Smith ordered him to get employment.


At sentencing, defense attorney Tim Noerrlinger said Dunn wants probation to implement changes in his life.

Noerrlinger: “He realizes he needs to come to grips with his mental health.”