SYRACUSE - Youngest member ever? Mallory Mueller, is requesting to be a part of the Syracuse Rescue Squad. 

At age 17, Mallory has experienced many health issues in her life and is wanting to give back with the full support of her parents.

The squad is checking with the League Association of Risk Management regarding accepting the teen. The squad normally requires members to be 18.

Tim Wilson of the Syracuse Rescue squad stated they are stretched far in staffing, especially for the 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. shift. By the end of 2023, he said,  it will be in a critical situation with three members leaving.

The rescue squad fund raising pancake feed is March 19th, from 7 a.m. to noon located at the Syracuse rescue squad barn.

Sheriff Caudill’s report to city council included "a lot of orange tags on vehicles".  Parking has become an issue in some areas, deputies were instructed to start with orange tags, then tickets. Caudill also stated Love's Travel Center has been taking a lot of their time and attention, mostly fender benders and small stuff.

Fire chief Keith McWilliams requesting ARPA funds for battery operated extrication equipment.

The battery operated equipment is lighter to handle and when we go on a call with a short staff, it is beneficial.  The total cost of the equipment is $49,000.  McWilliams stated the department has filed for some grants,  they are asking for up to $25,000 to cover the remainder amount.

Midland Street from Sixth to 17th Street has had a 4-hour parking restriction on one side and no parking on the other. Syracuse city council members directed City Attorney Stilmock to draw up paperwork  for discussion at April's city council meeting to remove the four-hour ban.

Melissa Juilfs, the new librarian is shaking things up. Along with Amanda Stubbendick and Pat Apel, they are implementing new changes to story time,  such as crafts.

Juilfs  also said she will be weeding out and updating inventory especially in the kids section over the next couple of years. 

 Papillion Sanitation contract is coming up for renewal, Bob Hughes from Papillion sanitation was present at the meeting to field questions or concerns. Councilman Gigstad and city chamber member Wendy Werner complimented Papillion Sanitation on its customer service in regards to Germanfest, bringing down and picking up  extra containers at no extra cost to the city.  

Low water crossing at 11th street will be closed from 8.30 to 10 a.m. on March 25th for the Shamrock
Shuffle.  With approximately 75 adult and children participants, the committee felt that area was a safety hazard.

April 8th will be the annual Easter egg hunt in Williams park sponsored by the snowflakes and chamber of commerce. 

Aquatic center repairs and un-winterizing is due to be completed by March 15th in preparation for the 2023 swimming season.