NEBRASKA CITY - The Nebraska Department of Education provides online school snapshots. Here is a listing of major benchmarks and standings that range from great to needs improvement. 

Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca - Great

  • Graduation rate of 98% and college going rate of 75%
  • Students 795 with 59 teachers  (13)

Auburn - Great

  • Graduation rate of 94% and a college going rate of 69%
  • Students 1,038 with 63 teachers (16) 

Plattsmouth- Great

  • Graduation rate of 92% and a college going rate of 51%
  • Students 1,480 with 114 teachers (12)

Falls City- Good

  • Graduation rate of 100% and college going rate of 66%
  • student 886 with 68 teachers (13)

Conestoga- Good

  • Graduation rate of 93% and 74% going to college
  • Students 698 with 58 teachers (12)

Johnson Co Central Public Schools- Good

  • Graduation rate of 95% and 90% going to college
  • Students 507 with 47 teachers (10.7)

Nebraska City- Needs support to Improve

  • Graduation rate of 80% and 68% going to college
  • Students 1,449 with 98 teachers (14.7)

Superintendent of Nebraska City Mark Fritch had this to say about Nebraska City's snapshot :


The commissioner of education recently made some key points when this information was released - stating that schools with higher poverty rates were impacted greater during the pandemic.  We believe this is true for our district.

Currently 50.2 percent of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch.  Our staff has worked diligently since the start of the pandemic to put strategies in place to help students overcome the learning loss challenges.  We believe these efforts will make a difference over time. 

Nebraska City Public Schools looks forward to the support the department will offer because of our designation.

The cohort graduation rate is measured by a number of factors. We are proud of the work we do to help students that did not earn their diploma in four years, as our seven-year cohort graduation rate is higher. Often these students are facing a number of external challenges and we take pride in walking alongside them to help them be prepared for life beyond high school.

NCPS staff will continue to work to help each student achieve success. We know that it is a community wide effort to make sure kids have what they need to succeed and we look forward to partnering with the entire community to face the challenges ahead.
