NEBRASKA CITY - The Nebraska City City Council is scheduled to meet at 6 p.m. on Dec. 19.

The agenda includes south 19th Street improvements, a $2.4 million contract with Constructors, Inc., for the 11th Street improvement and discussion about the compensation for the interim city administrator.

Bauer Infrastructure has bid $574,000 for the south 19th Street work.   State economic development awarded the city $530,000 to replace 19th Street and Fifth Corso culvert.

The 11th Street improvements and 11th Street viaduct repairs are expected to cost $2.3 million. The city is expecting to issue bonds to raise $1.5 million.

The city administrator reports that the Constructors, Inc., bid is $169,000 higher than estimated, so the bond amount may need to be higher.

The 11th Street improvement includes full removal and replacement of three-lane roadway to include 5-foot sidewalk on east and 6-foot sidewalk on the west. ADA ramps, storm sewer, light poles, driveways and final grading are also included.

The city opened bids Nov. 15 from Constructors and Bauer Infrastructure.

Constructors is planning on a June 2023 timeline to start.

The city currently has budgeted $13,119 per month for city administrator salary and benefits. For the interim, stipends totaling $6,900 are proposed for city staff to fill in.


For the 10 months interim between the resignation of Grayson Path and hiring of Lou Leone, city staff was compensated an additional $2,500 per month.

Under the proposal, Marty Stovall would receive $3,000 per month and City Clerk Randy Dunster $2,000 per month.