PLATTSMOUTH – A Plattsmouth woman is charged with felony theft from youth sports organizations.

Jill Dasher, 51, is suspected of using funds from the Plattsmouth Baseball/Softball Association and Blue Lightning Select Softball Team for personal use, including drinks at a restaurant, Christmas gifts and items from home stores.

Court records say Plattsmouth police detectives determined that $6,000 is missing from the softball association bank account and $22,044 from Blue Lightning’s account.

A co-administrator of the baseball/softball association account alerted law enforcement after an invoice for T-shirts went unpaid and she learned the account had insufficient funds in September.

Detectives say in addition to personal purchases, Dasher is suspected of overcharging the association for field insurance. The association believes it was overcharged $1,000 because the insurance covered only 52 players instead of the 180 players on the combined team rosters.