NEBRASKA CITY - The Nebraska City City Council is scheduled to meet at 6 p.m. on Sept. 6 at the Rowe Safety Complex.

The agenda includes a public hearing on using Growth Funds for the house, which has hosted NCTC for 41 years. Renovations to the porch entrance are planned. Painting of the home, carriage house and garage are part of second phase.

The 806 Historical Preservation Foundation seeks $17,400.

Engineer services for First Corso and 11th Street improvement projects and Steinhart Park bridge repair will also be considered, along with the creation of a restricted fund during the Department of Revenue research of excess sales tax receipts in the amount of $1.2 million.

City Administrator Lou Leone says Nebraska’s economic incentive programs allows some sales tax to be identified as excess and be “clawed back” from city recipients. He recommends setting aside a $1.2 million sales tax fund until the funds are no longer subject to “claw back” provisions.

The street department requests purchase of a snow plow and the Civil War Museum requests no parking on a portion of First Corso  Sept. 15 to 18. The museum is planning to host a traveling exhibit that will use the parking spaces

A traveling exhibit will be parked on First Corso west of Ninth Street.

Mayor Bryan Bequette is expected to recognize Scooter Edmisten for his 33 years of service as parks and recreation director.

Jim Kuhn is requesting council permission to place a “Welcome to Nebraska City” banner at the west entrance near Industrial Road. He plans to erect a 4x8’ temporary banner, until is permanent sign is approved.

The Nebraska City Housing and Community Development Agency is scheduled to meet at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 6, at the Rowe Safety Complex.