LINCOLN, Neb. -- Last Friday the Husker football players and staff had a team meeting that was directed by a former player in hopes of sparking inspiration. 

Huskers 1983 starting receiver, Ricky C. Simmons is now a motivational speaker.

Simmons took the opportunity to premiere a full-feature documentary about his life in the Nebraska football team room, 'Look Like Somebody'. The film is not yet available to the public; and according to WMK Media, Simmons could not think of a better audience to share it with for the first time.

“I have been speaking to groups across the country for over 12 years, and I believe this new film can have an impact beyond what I can deliver with my typical speech," Simmons said. "To be able to come back to the stadium where it all started was very special to me.”

WMK said that the film follows him from Greenville, Texas to his playing days in Lincoln, Neb., as well as his struggle with addiction. A portion of the film includes the story of the 1983 National Championship game against Miami where the Huskers decided to go for a 2-point conversion to win the game instead of a tie, showing the team's desire to earn a perfect 13-0 record.

“We felt like it was important to educate the younger generation of players or fans about the program's winning attitude and tradition, on top of the main message of the film, which is to 'Look Like Somebody,'” said Michael J. Murphy, co-director of the documentary. 

After the film's screening, there was a Q&A session that had many players and coaches raising their hands.

“Now that you are here, you are my little brothers; and the players before me, they are my big brothers," Simmons said. "We are all here for you, wanting to see you be successful not just on the field but in life. The one thing I regret is not putting in the work. I don’t want you to look back at your time here and regret the same thing.”

WMK said the players responded to the film with a round of applause, and the Q&A session was closed out with the entire team shouting “Look Like Somebody."

Each player was given the opportunity to pick up a graphic novel adaptation of the film, sponsored by SOS Heating & Cooling, allowing the group to take the message with them.

Simmons is partnering with WMK Media to schedule screenings with Simmons in attendance for schools, as well as correction facilities and rehabilitation centers across the state of Nebraska.

“The 'Look Like Somebody' message is a mission, not a movie,” said Walt Sanders, co-director of the film.

WMK said that Simmons and the team are now seeking more partners to spread his message of wasted potential, redemption and positivity. They are seeking corporate sponsors to make the screening opportunities available to 200 Nebraska audiences, free of charge.

“We are ready to travel to every community in Nebraska so that we can deliver this experience and reach Nebraska student-athletes,” Simmons said.