Multiple accidents on Omaha interstates cause headaches for drivers Thursday morning
Around 8:20 Thursday morning, a multi-vehicle accident happened on I-80 westbound near the L Street interchange.

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - Around 8:20 Thursday morning, a multi-vehicle accident happened on I-80 westbound near the L Street interchange.
It involved a semi and several other vehicles.
Stop-and-go traffic was in place on westbound I-80 all the way past 96th Street at times in the aftermath.
Impacts stretched onto I-680 as well with the crash happening close to the interchange with I-80.
Another accident happened around 8:40 a.m. on southbound I-680 near the Maple Street interchange.
This one resulted in the left lane being blocked and traffic slowdowns in the approach to the interchange.
As of 10 a.m. both of these accidents have been cleared and traffic is moving normally.