NEBRASKA CITY-A group gathered in front of the Otoe County Courthouse in Nebraska City Tuesday evening to protest the possible Supreme Court over-turning of Roe vs. Wade.

Nebraska City resident Denise McLaughlin spoke about what brought her to the protest and how she feels about the impact of the court's opinion.

"We are here to support women's rights, this is life changing. If they over turn this what's next? Is it going to be birth control, is it going to be the right to vote? We have no leg to stand on, we need to stand up and to say this is enough we can't do this. I am here for my granddaughter's, my daughter's. I decided to make up some signs and post it on Facebook and here I am. Wake up, look into it, it is not just about abortions it really isn't. It's about corporate wanting to make future little robots to take care of, they are scared"

Roe vs. Wade-A 1973 decision by the Supreme Court that guaranteed federal Constitutional protections of abortion rights,  The protest comes because a leaked 93 page draft of the courts opinion that was leaked Monday night online which appears to overturn not only Roe vs. Wade but also the 1992 case of Planned Parenthood vs. Casey. The impact of the ruling as drafted would end federally guaranteed right to abortion and allow each state to decide whether to restrict or outright ban it.