Weaver announces candidacy for Nebraska's first congressional district

BELLEVUE, Neb. -- Last Monday, Lt. Col. John "Glen" Weaver retired as a combat veteran from the U.S. Air Force at Offutt Air Force Base, and on Tuesday he filed to represent Nebraska's First Congressional District in Congress.
Weaver grew up on a family farm and was homeschooled.
“The farm work ethic is in my ethos and blood," Weaver said.
After high school, Weaver studied animal science and Russian at the University of Wyoming. In 1999, he was commissioned through the ROTC program as a 2nd Lt in the US Air Force.
He has served in national security roles ranging from flying combat missions over Iraq and Afghanistan to serving at the Pentagon. Weaver has experience in the intelligence community and military dealing with issues in the Middle East, Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.
Most recently, he served at Offutt AFB as the Chief of the 55th Wing Command Post. He has been deployed 11 times over his 22 year career.
“I am not a career politician and I am running to serve my country and community continually," Weaver said. "I’m not someone whose self-interest and political interest has them pursuing a congressional seat because of a colleague’s indictment. I will give Nebraskans somebody they can be proud of and somebody that always has their back. In the Air Force I learned what it’s like to really take care of people. I learned what it means to never quit on those depending on you. I
learned what real leadership is. I learned what humble service is, service without recognition."