NEBRASKA CITY – A Nebraska City church organized a trunk or treat on Halloween Sunday with a Christian theme.

Pastor Keith Valenzuela of the Bethel Church said the congregation wanted to do something to reach out to the community and have some fun.

Valenzuela: “We wanted to do something that would be fun for the kiddos that’s Christian based, so nothing ghoulish or spooky, just something that has a nice play on scripture.”


There was a tent and poles for a fishing excursion, bubble maker and the Gospel of Matthew reference to the apostles as fishers of men, an autumn scene inviting people to "fall" in love with Jesus, God’s workshop and a laundromat  scene for the cleansing of forgiveness.


A goat and two billies, both one week old, were popular attractions at the Noah’s Ark trunk and there were feats of skill at the "God’s Team" trunk.

Of course, there was also plenty of candy.