FALLS CITY – The City of Falls City has announced plans to generate 100 percent of its electrical load, if OPPD temporarily disconnects from the city.

A notice from the city says OPPD is planning to disconnect from the city shortly.

The city says natural gas from its supplier is also being curtailed.

Notice: “We need everyone to conserve as much electricity and natural gas usage today and tomorrow. If we can not support the full electrical load or run short of natural gas, we will start rolling black outs throughout the service area.”

An OPPD press release on Tuesday morning says the Southwest Power Pool has directed its members within the 17-state region to shed more load. Another round of outages began at 7:25 a.m. and were expected to continue for an hour.

OPPD says it does not receive much notice when load reductions are directed.

 OPPD: “ We’d never do this unless it was absolutely necessary do to the demand caused by this weather event that’s unprecedented for our region.”

Nebraska Public Power District also made an update announcement Tuesday morning.

NPPD: "To maintain system reliability, NPPD has just been informed by SPP that we need to do emergency coordinated interruptions of service. These 30-minite interruptions of service occur in real-time, so we have very little, if any, notice as to where these interruptions will take place."

Rolling blackouts were extended from Texas to Oklahoma by Monday afternoon.

Record snowfall is reported in Texas and record cold includes 7 degrees in Dallas. A temperature of negative 11 was reported in Oklahoma City.

 The Nebraska City Airport reports temperatures of -14 to -18 since midnight on Tuesday. A temperature above 5 degrees has not been reported since 4 p.m. on Saturday and there has been no temperature reading above 0 since since just after midnight on Sunday.