Upgrades for fire, rescue at Peru
PERU – The City of Peru posted on Facebook this month an update on fire and rescue services.
The Rural Fire Board decided in the summer of 2019 to replace a rescue pumper with a newer, yellow and black pumper. The new truck is equipped with a hydraulic “Jaws of Life” and various other tools.
The post says USDA Rural Development allocated $50,000 this summer to replace the primary pumper.
Peru replacing aging equipment
The rescue squad also has made upgrades this year with a new ambulance. A 2019 Ford/Osage, 4-wheel drive ambulance was purchased with help from $50,000 from rural development.
In November, the state granted the rescue service an advanced life support license when certain members are part of the call.
An account has been set up at the Mainstreet Bank for donations for a power lift stretcher and updated cardiac monitor.