NEBRASKA CITY –  On a Facebook post, the Nebraska City News-Press has announced that this year’s Trail of Treats has been canceled.

The newspaper, which has published photographs of costumes, said the 2020 event is canceled due to COVID-19. People are still invited to submit costume photos.

Trick or Treat on Main in Plattsmouth is scheduled Friday, Oct. 30.

Social distancing is urged for the event, which has drawn up to 600 participants in the past.

Businesses up and down the street will provide grab bags of candy or the outdoor event.

Indian Cave State Park is hosting the 25th annual “haunted hollow” this fall.

A haunted drive through is scheduled Saturday, Oct. 10. Pasture movies are scheduled at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 9.

Events include campsite decorating contest and a Halloween scavenger hunt.