NEBRASKA CITY – Arbor Day Farm formally recognized Nebraska City as a Tree Cities of the World on Monday.

Arbor Day Farm Vice President Austin Mackrill said Nebraska City is the 25th city in the nation to receive the distinction.

Mackrill: “We have a new program that we launched last fall in partnership with the United Nations’ food and agricultural organization, called Tree Cities of the World.”

Mackrill: “Right now there are 17 different countries that have adopted Trees Cities of the World.”

The program is paired off of the Tree City USA program that requires a tree board, known tree inventory and the celebration of Arbor Day.

  • Tree board
  • Known tree inventory
  • Per capita spending on tree program
  • Celebrate Arbor Day


Mackrill: “We couldn’t be more proud that Nebraska City, the Home of Arbor Day, where this all started and all began almost 150 years ago, is now a Tree City of the World.”

Mayor Bryan Bequette said it is a designation fitting for the Home of Arbor Day.