From idea to impact: Navigating Small Business Financing

OGALLALA --  Khushi Steichen, loan specialist for the Center for Rural Affairs, will be the speaker at a workshop on small business financing in Ogallala.

The event is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Thursday, April 3, at the Mid-Plains Community College, Ogallala campus.

Take your first step toward success by learning how to get lender-ready, prepare the right documents for financing, and discover how the Center's lending products and technical assistance can support you every step of the way. 

The Center for Rural Affairs' mission is to establish strong rural communities, social and economic justice, environmental stewardship, and genuine opportunity for all while engaging people in decisions that affect the quality of their lives and the future of their communities.

The Center for Rural Affairs calls itself "unapologetically rural. We stand up for the small family farmer and rancher, new business owner, and rural communities. For more than 50 years, we've been a leading force engaging people to build a better rural future."