NEBRASKA CITY – The Tree City Trails Committee is seeking grants for the next phase of its trails master plan.

The Nebraska City committee expects completion of a trail from the 11th Street bridge over North Table Creek to the softball complex. Trails currently exist from Fourth Corso through Steinhart Park to Arbor Lodge.

City commissioners authorized the committee to seek a $30,000 keno grant to have JEO design a 13-block connection along Fourth Corso to the Third Terrace entrance to the Kearney Hill neighborhoods.

Doug Friedli of the committee said the connection will increase safety for kids walking to school and pedestrians commuting to work.

 The proposed design would follow Fourth Corso to Third Terrace to avoid crossing beneath the railroad on Fourth Terrace.

Later phases of the 2019 trail plan envision a five-mile loop through the city and a four-mile connector to the Steamboat Trace Trail.

The committee says its strategy is to showcase the city’s unique history of tree planting, as well as its cultural and historical sites. The master plan will cross-promote with Arbor Day Farm.

The city is applying for a $200,000 urban and community forestry grant for plantings along the new 11th Street trail and 16 plantings downtown.