LINCOLN, Neb. -- Nebraska State Treasurer Tom Briese is launching a new website with the initiative of serving those with disabilities. 

The website,, acts as a crowdfunding website for people with disabilities. 

"The plan really is a win-win for everyone involved," said Briese. "There are some nice tax breaks for folks that contribute to that. The earnings in those plans can grow tax-free and the dollars can be withdrawn by the beneficiary to be used for disability related expenses."

According to the website, givers who file Nebraska income taxes can also deduct up to $10,000 for contributions to enable accounts. It is $5,000 for married taxpayers filing separate returns.

"These contributions can be deducted against your state income tax return up to a certain amount," said Briese.

Briese expressed excitement for the launch of the new website as he hopes donors will continue to contribute to a good cause. 

"We are hoping to encourage additional contributions to these accounts to help folks in the disability community prepare for expenses down the road," Briese said.