TECUMSEH – The comprehensive development and zoning plan for Johnson County is the subject of a 6 p.m. town hall meeting on July 17 at the Tecumseh Fire Hall.

Copies of a community survey will be available at the meeting. They are also available at the courthouse, through Tecumseh Public Works and the county planning and zoning administrator.


Marvin Planning Consultants is working with the county on the comprehensive plan, which covers economic development, housing and zoning.

The Johnson County zoning map was established in 2006. It has an agriculture district, rural conservation district, agricultural residential district, commercial district, industrial district and unincorporated village district.

The current zoning ordinances are available at the following link.


The survey asks about:

preserving county architecture

community appearance

local history


rural atmosphere

local government

business investment

highway corridors



teen workforce

county cooperation


subdividing farmland

solar and wind



child care

public health

threats to agriculture

Zoning map legend:

  • AG general agriculture
  • TA transitional agriculture
  • RP river protection district