Economic development delivers toys to support daycares
NEBRASKA CITY – Early Childhood Community Coordinator Linsey Heard says the wish list assembled by area daycare providers might have also been written by children because it features lots of toys.
Nebraska City Area EDC joined with the Nebraska Communities for Kids Initiative to seek grant funding for Lakeshore education toys and distributed them this month to daycares and early education providers.
Heard: “Not only is it going to help the providers save a little bit financially themselves and be able to spend their money on other updates, but it’s also assuring that these items are all through teaching and educational organizations to make sure they are all quality, so all your kiddos that are going to daycare, in home and in centers, are all going to have these quality, amazing educational resources.”
With the kids equipped with Snap-Bots, pipe builders and and castle blocks, Heard can continue the Communities for Kids’ mission of providing training and resources for daycare workers.

Heard: “One thing I’ve been doing is every couple of months, I’ve been bringing the trainings that the daycare workers need – the state required ones. I’ve been bringing them locally, so that they don’t have to drive to the big cities, they don’t have to sit on the computer for hours, so I’m trying to listen to hear what the providers are needing and I try to bring those resources here.”
Heard , who has her master’s degree in human services for family and children, got involved with Communities for Kids by responding to a help wanted ad directed by Nebraska City Area EDC.
The economic development team linked her to Communities for Kids, which has coordinators for 30 communities, including Otoe, Johnson and Pawnee counties.
She said Communities for Kids helped the EDC with the grant and provides other resources.
Heard: “Most of the time, these providers have to drive to a far-away location, plus pay another $30 to $50 for the training, and then the gas to and from, but we’re trying to do it locally and save them by covering all the cost for the training, as well.”
Toys were distributed to daycare centers and at early education training events held this spring.