Syracuse Welcomes New Fire Chief

The City of Syracuse welcomes Eric Fass as the new Fire chief for the Syracuse Volunteer Fire Department.
After 32 years of service, Fire Chief Bruce Neemann has turned over the reins to Eric Fass.
Fass, who has been a member of the SVFD for seven years, he has some big plans for the future of the department.
With the rules and regulations always changing , Fass is thinking ahead with training being top on his list.
The department has recruited seven new members this year alone and, with the possible upcoming retirement of some of the members that hold officer positions, Fass said we need to be training for those positions, as well as firefighting.

New members complete a six-month probationary period and then begin classes to receive their certification for fire fighter 1 training. The classes take approximately 6 months, two to three nights a week.
Fass said Syracuse is known for its training and he hopes to get a training class in the Syracuse location.
Fass said new City Administrator Jessica Meyer is searching and applying for grants to assist the fire department.
Fass is also looking into a sinking fund/ savings account that anyone can make a deposit into at anytime to help with the growth that Fass would like to see for the city of Syracuse.
The department is in need of self-contained breathing apparatuses, a new fire engine and updating its facility. Fass feels that the current fire house is limiting their future growth. The department is also looking into more fundraising ideas.
Fass has been an on the line firefighter for 11 years, so this new change will be an adjustment.
there are currently 31 members of the SVFD. Fass has a wife and three children.