NEBRASKA CITY – Mayor Bryan Bequette recognized outgoing Nebraska City City Administrator Grayson Path at Monday’s city council meeting.

Path was hired in May of 2015 shortly after Mayor Bequette was appointed. He started work on June 11 at a city hall that had seen the resignation of the former mayor, finance commissioner and public works commissioner. Path had to rebuild the city staff following the resignations of the city administrator, city clerk, deputy city clerk and retirement of the public properties director and street superintendent.

Also, shortly after his hiring, the city discovered a hole in the deck of the Fourth Corso viaduct, which had previously carried Highway 2 traffic through town. The bridge was closed while the new Highway 2 interchange was still under construction.

 Mayor Bequette credited Path for revitalizing the city’s TIFF program, helping restoration of the Veterans Memorial Building, upgrading public safety dispatch and guiding the new heating and cooling project at the Morton-James Public Library.

Bequette: “Whereas Grayson’s untiring work ethic, dedication and love for our citizens added tremendous value to our community through a major flood and COVID-19 pandemic.”

Path’s last day at Nebraska City is April 10.